I have been waiting a very long time for this day. Yes, It’s finally time for Hungry Pixels brutal and naughty 2D adventure game “NetherWorld” to launch its Kickstarter campaign! (I’ve written about “NetherWorld” two times in the past, one time in Jaunary this year, and one time in July of 2017). You see, earlier today Hungry Pixels let the whole world know that they had launched their “NetherWorld” campaign. So naturally. I got super excited about the news, because I’ve had my eyes on “NetherWorld” since the summer of 2017.
Will Hungry Pixel be able to reach their 5,000 Euros Kickstarter goal on time? We’ll have to wait and see. I wish them the best of luck with everything though.
Anyways, I think you get the idea. So here’s Hungry Pixels game plan for their Kickstarter campaign. Right off the bat, Hungry Pixels aim to collect at least 5,000 Euros, because that’s the Kickstarter goal for “NetherWorld” (there will even be a Nintendo Switch port “if” “NetherWorld” raises 6,000 Euros in total). Well, so far “NetherWorld” has managed to raise over 300 Euros in just a couple of hours. In other words, the game is off to a good start with no doubt. That’s also why I’m pretty sure that “NetherWorld” will be fully funded on time, and I truly hope that I’m right, because the game looks freaking awesome so far.
“NetherWorld” made me think about a mix of “Heart of Darkness“, “Another World” and “Don’t look back“.
However, “if” that’s the case, then we should be able to play the full version of “NetherWorld” sometime in March of 2019. As for here and now though, besides a Kickstarter campaign, Hungry Pixel also launched a brand-new trailer for “NetherWorld” (I have added the said trailer further down the page). So don’t miss out on that one =)
And with that said, what do you guys and girls think about “NetherWorld” so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below!
Robin “V-Act” Ek
Editor in chief
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround
More by Robin Ek:
Tags: 2D adventure game, Daniel Barreno, Hungry Pixel, Indie games, Isabel Raposo, Kickstarter, NetherWorld, PC games