***Rumor/unverified information***

It´s funny how deja vu works sometimes, because just the other day I answered a reader of ours comments about old-school FPS games. And one of the games that he mentioned was “Duke Nukem 3D”. And that gave me a really nice retro flashback, as Duke 3D just happens to be one of my favorite FPS games of all time. So I almost immediately started to think about the possibilities of a remake or a remaster edition of the game. Well, guess what? It seems like Nerve Software (Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, COD Advanced Warfare, COD: Black Ops III) is said to be working on remix/remaster edition of “Dukem Nukem 3D”, and the game is called “Duke Nukem: World Tour“:

“Somebody just recently leaked to me details on the new Duke Nukem title being teased on www.dukenukem.com . It is called Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour, and it is being developed by Nerve Software. The leaker sent me screenshots, which I have included below.

According to the leak, when talking about the screenshots:

These are official. This is a Duke 3D remaster. In many ways, you can look at this game as a Duke Nukem 3D remix as there will be a lot of new/original content added in as well. From my understanding, these screens are just a handful out of a bunch of press shots that will be coming out in the following days.
They also said that there will be both Co-Op as well as deathmatch online although they are not 100% sure on it.
They also included a handful of official screenshots, including an image of the logo.” – Tezla55, via Reddit

duke nukem 3d 20th anniversary

Yes, believe it or not, but Duke 3D was, in fact, released back in 1996 (January 29, 1996, to be exact).

And as excited as I am, all of this is unverified information for now. And as you might already know, Duke Nukem 3D´s 20th anniversary is coming up very soon (January 29, 1996). So I couldn´t help to notice that there is now a count down timer on the dukenukem.com´s homepage. And by the looks of it, something cool (hopefully) will happen in six days and 15 hours henceforth (maybe the official unwrapping of “Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour”?). Well, time will tell. Nevertheless, I got really pumped up when I saw some pictures for “Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour”. So I truly hope that “Duke 3D: World Tour” is in the making, and that we soon will get a chance to play the game.


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Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
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