***UPDATE 2015-02-03***
We received quite a lot of fuss when we published this article yesterday. But since then, we have found out even more details about Anita Sarkeesian´s Kickstarter campaign, and her hunger for donations (via Patreon for example).
And it´s all thanks to Thunderf00t, who found out that Anita got $400,000 for cancelling a talk (Do to the “Massacre threat at Utah State University” back in October last year). Just checkout his video “Anita Sarkeesian gets $400 000 for cancelling a talk!“.
“Yup, looks like the last round of professional victimhood got anita sarkeesian almost half a million dollars. see page 16…..$397 000 dollars in the last quarter, yknow the one where she had the wall to wall press coverage for ‘cancelling her talk’.” – Thunderf00t
Tropes vs. Women in Video Games
Feministfrequency annual report 2014
So where does this leave us? Well, the rabbit hole seems to get deeper and deeper as the plot unfolds…
Anita Sarkeesian can be sued for not delivering on her Kickstarter series Tropes vs. Women. This comes as no surprise, as people who ultimately backed this project in Aug. 2012 are still waiting around for an incomplete project that is more than 3 years overdue.
Sarkeesian still hasn’t picked production for the video series back up since the last video was made, and seems to have no intention of doing so.
Since the series was supposed to be completed, Sarkeesian has made copious amounts of money partnering with ad revenue, interviews, and making speeches that have culminated her estate into the amount of over $500,000.
Now im not a banker, or market analyst but I will say that it’s impossible to not have this series finished with this amount of income, and gross assets on top of the initial $160,000.
If you’re one of the unfortunate backers who donated to this ghost cause, and was scammed fret not—as you can easily sue Sarkeesian to get your refund plus monies owed throughout the waiting period. Depending upon where you live you can file a lawsuit against her for breach of contract.
Under her specified terms upon her Kickstarter campaign she does the following to create the series:
Plays games
Researches games for Tropes
Records audio and visual content for said videos
Produces evidence and facts to support purported claims
Delivers videos and claims upon her platform Feminist Frequency or Youtube
Sarkeesain has done none of these things since the promise of the content came and passed. Furthermore when one of her backers asked for a refund, he was blocked, and silenced on her platform permanently.
Should backers decide to turn against Sarkeesian and sue, it will drive her to bankruptcy—or force her to create a new Kickstarter to finish the series that she claims only needed $6,000 to begin and finish.
Not only has it exceeded the time, and amount necessary, no explanation or response looks to be in sight for Sarkeesian to provide to the world, and her followers.
What do you think about Anita’s thievery? Let us know in the comments below!
Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheDarkMage2
More by Kenay Peterson:
Tags: Anita Sarkeesian, Feministfrequency, Kickstarter scam, Tropes vs Women, Tropes vs Women refund rants