Since i made my “#GamerGate has changed the games industry – Topic of the week” video (i uploaded it yesterday), i have received quite a lot of new information (at least for me). Like the fact that WAM! (Women, Action, and the Media) has made an #GamerGate analysis. In fact, i wrote about it yesterday and that analysis was quite interesting.
Because it covers the harassment that has been done on Twitter by #GamerGate. And as it all turns out. Only 0,66% of GamerGate related Twitter accounts were credited as “real” harassers. And that was something which i missed out on in my video (simply because i did not have that information at that time). So i just wanted to do a brief update about this, as it´s a rather important update on the subject.
Sadly enough though, no one from the Anti-GamerGate side has responded to my video. At least not yet. Because i asked them to provide me with a list over Anti-GamerGate´s achivements so far. And just like i pointed out in my video, i couldn´t find anything on the matter. So it was rather hard to tell what Anti-GamerGate has achieved so far.
#GamerGate on the other hand does have a list over their achievements. And that list cover GG´s achievements from August 2014 to March this year. I haven´t counted their achievements by hand, but it seems to be at least 60+ achievements in total. So just like i said in my video, i find it to be rather strange that mainstream media (and Anti-GamerGate) just ignores all of this.
Even though that it´s quite obvious that #GamerGate indeed has done quite a lot of good deeds since last year. But to my knowledge, none of GG´s achivements has been mentioned (or praised) in media. But the nr 1 achievement for GG would of course be the change (update) of ethics policies throughout the games industry (most of the big games news sites has updated their ethics policies).
So it seems like #GamerGate has won most of it´s battles up to this point. And according to Sargon of Akkad, GG will now work more as an industry watchdog then anything else. However, it remains to be seen what the Anti-GamerGate side will bring to the table in terms of “positive change to the games industry”. As i´m yet to find a list over their achivements so far.
And just for the record. I think David Pakman has done a really good job covering both sides of #GamerGate. As it´s a really hard job staying neutral at all times. So with that said, have a great day and weekend everyone =)
The corrupt gamejournos list – Let’s clean up the industry together!
Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround
More by Robin Ek:
Tags: #GamerGate, Anti #GamerGate, Chris Cluwe, Games industry, Marcedes Carrera