Press release: There are a lot of different headsets to choose from when you want to get into VR. Each one comes with its own benefits and drawbacks and that makes it difficult to choose which one is for you. Now that we’re in a new year, we also have new versions of each headset to look at. It can... Read more
Category: Articles
It seems like Oculus Rift (Facebook) and Project Morpheus (Sony´s VR-headset) will get some unexpected company very soon. Because Razer has been working on their own virtual reality headset (and software) for quite sometime now, and it´s called “OSVR” (Open Source Virtual Reality). This became publicly known yesterday, thanks to Athene´... Read more
Category: Hardware
The entertainment industry has been completely transformed in the last decade. With the rise in fast and reliable home internet connections (especially with the rollout of fiber internet access), there are many more ways to be entertained in the home. For example, in recent years, the music industry has changed dramatically. Consumers once bought p... Read more
Category: Articles
Press release: The Polish-based indie games studio GameBoom VR are today very happy and excited to announce that their VR cooking game “Cooking Simulator VR” is now available for PC via Steam for a handful of different VR-headsets. Cooking Simulator VR offers several game modes (including Career and Sandbox), over 80 recipes, over 140 ingredients, ... Read more
Category: Press releases
Press release: 16 JUNE 2021. The indie games publisher Theory Studios and Canada-based indie games developer Brave Lunch today announced with great joy and excitement that their underwater endless-wave VR shooter “Blobkin Blaster” is coming to Steam for all PC VR-headsets on August 11th, 2021. The developer’s previous credits incl... Read more
Category: Press releases