Just recently i saw a really interesting tweet by miss Kaye Tasath (freelance writer and owner of geeksauce.rocks) As she tweeted out Ollie Barder´s (a contributor at forbes.com) article about “New Study Finds No Link Between Gaming And Sexist Attitudes”.
So what makes that particular article interesting then? Because of two reasons. 1. There´s been talks about the link between video games and sexist attitudes for years (or sexism in general). But there´s been very little (to none) scientific facts to back up that claim.
2. Ollie Barder´s article might be on to something really big. As the German studie (which proves that there is NO link between Gaming and sexist attitudes) might be applicable to similar countries. Like the rest of EU, or America and Canada for example.
In a way, this is kind of like all the talks about the connection between violent video games and violent behavior and crimes. It took a very long time before someone even started to look into the matter (scientists, psychologists, press and so on).
I still remember when Jack Thompson had his “little” crusade against Rockstar and their GTA series for example. Thompson kept on saying that violent video games were to blame for the high violent crime rates (Thompson made this statement live on CNBC back in 2007).
Well, Thompson was dead wrong about this. As decreasing US crime rates in the last decade proves him wrong. So let´s get back on track with “Gaming and sexist attitudes” shall we?
If the German studies (which is based on the cultivation theory) playing video games doesn´t make you sexist. Then i´m quite sure that the result will be the same in most parts of the western world as well.
And if that´s the case, then what shall people such as Anita Sarkeesian say about the matter? That the scientific studies is a lie? That everyone else is wrong but her? I should also point out that the Germany study took a very broad view of the video game medium. So it didn´t just focus on video games with sexual content.
And that makes it extra interesting. As the WHOLE video game industry has been accused of being full of sexism, and that video games creates sexist attitudes (mostly towards women).
Well, that´s obviously not true. So i can´t wait to see how the German studies will turn out in other parts of the world. As for me, i have never been affected by violent video games, nor has any video game turned me into a sexist person.
Because it´s not about the content. No, it´s ALL about the observer. As a healthy person (mentally and physically) with good morals (that voice in your head that tells you right from wrong), is much less likely to commit a crime of any kind. Then a mentally disturbed and unstable person.
Anyhow, this is a great victory for Gamers, Gaming and the video game industry as a whole for sure!
Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround
More by Robin Ek:
Tags: Forbes, Gaming, Gaming and sexist attitudes, Sexist attitudes, Video game sexism