I (Robin Ek, TGG) was just informed that the “Ar Tonelico 2” translation project (Project Metafalica) is now available for download (you can download the fan translation for the EU, US retail and US undub version of AT2). In the matter of fact, the final patch was released a couple of days ago. So what are you waiting for? Download Project Metafalica today! 😉
“the fandom knew AT2 was a game worth saving, and upon seeing what NISA had done to the game, assembled a crack team of coders, hackers, translators, and fixer-uppers with celerity. Together, they form feet and legs, form arms and torso, and they may or may not have a clue who’s the head, but they all have something in common: burning spirit, a love for Ar Tonelico 2, and a desire to see it restored to its former glory.” – Project Metafalica
Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround
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Tags: Ar Tonelico, Ar Tonelico 2, Gust, Jrpg, Project Metafalica, PS2, RPG