It seems like Athene (Bachir Boumaaza) has ended up in legal trouble, because TwitchAlerts want to sue him (and Gaming for Good) for “Unlawful and illegal harassment tactics” (don´t forget to watch Atene´s previous video “Everyone Should Watch This seriously, no clickbait“, because that is the video where Streampro´s Adrew Steele laughed in Athene´s face):
“Cease and Desist Demand from TwitchAlerts:
Note: due to spelling errors, legal inconsistencies and the absurdity of the claims, we immediately asked Vulcun whether this is real. They confirmed to us that this is indeed a formal Cease and Desist demand from them: We are required to comply within 24hrs.
The previous video, which summarizes the situation and provides a long list of links:…
Tweet from official TwitchAlerts support Jamacanbacn regarding the 30% after nickitaylor’s stream stopped advertising that only 70% was going to the streamer:…” – Athene
In other words, TwitchAlerts wants to sue Athene (and Gaming for Good) for things such as “Spamming Twitch followers“, “Attempting to hack our employees code, email and social media accounts” and “Directing your followers to spam gaming for good” to our customers while they are on steam”. These are some very heavy and serious accusations, and since TwitchAlerts want to bring Athene to court in either Europe and North America. I truly hope that Athene will find himself a really good lawyer. On a personal level though, I don´t think that TwitchAlert even has a case. You see. Most of their accusations a very thin, so it´s extremely unlikely that they will find a lawyer that will pick up the case. And even if that would be the case, what exactly does TwitchAlerts hope to gain from this?
I mean, Athene has been doing more good for this world than the most us ever have (and will):
“Using GamingForGood alerts, I made more than $100K in 19 days. I’m giving it all back to the G4G community. Together to the top.” – Athene
Sure, I don´t know Athene personally. However, I have been a fan of his for many years now. My point would be this, his not a bad or evil person. So call me biased if you want…But I hope that TwitchAlerts will drop their lawsuit against Athene (or that they will lose in court), because this is just pure bullsh**.
Jamacanbacn (Eric)
I am a fan of Athene.
Robin “V-Act” Ek
The Gaming Ground
Twitter: @TheGamingGround
More by Robin Ek:
Tags: Athene, Athene is getting sued by TwitchAlerts, StreamPro, Twitch, TwitchAlerts, Vulcun